We have started a fundraising campaign for the 5th Street Garden. Specifically, we are raising funds to start building the 14 raised planter beds so we can start growing produce for the neighborhood. The fundraising will be limited to February for now, and we hope to raise enough to sustain and grow the garden for the year ahead. We are so excited at how God is already moving there and are looking forward to really getting this going!
The "Buy A Board" campaign breaks up the cost of the planter beds to a single board cost. It takes 7 boards to build the planter beds at a total of $140.00. So, one board is $20.00. You can buy one board, 1/2 a board, a whole planter bed, or any amount you want to give. There will be cards and envelopes on the tables at each service. Simply fill out the card and place your donation in the envelope with the card and drop it in the collection box. If you are writing a check, make checks payable to "The Garden" and be sure you put "Community Garden" in the memo line.
If you don't go to the Garden Church you can mail in a check to ROCKHARBOR Church at 3080 Airway Ste 100, Costa Mesa,CA 92626. Just be sure to make checks payable to "The Garden" and put "Community Garden" in the memo line.
All donations are tax deductible.