Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Serve the City at 5th Street Garden!

The Serve the City campaign had a project at the 5th Street Garden to build some more planter beds and finally get some plants in the ground! There were also teams around the area inviting all the neighbors to a BBQ for the volunteers and the neighbors.

During the day we used the tree stumps, acquired for free from an apartment complex who was re-landscaping, and recycled lumber to build the benches for the stage area. We now have seating for over 70 people! We plan to use this space for teaching, hosting speakers on various issues, and a place where we can empower neighbors to host classes of there own for everyone to be part of.

We also built the remainder of the planter beds with the lumber from Acres of Books and planted a variety of fruits and vegetables in them. We had many neighborhood parents and kids that were so excited to get there hands dirty, plant and be part of a community! We heard many kids say, "This is so much fun!" The neighborhood is embracing this place as a refuge and place to experience community, our goal from the very beginning. It was great to see it happen the way it did.

Here's a list of what we were able to put in the ground:

Chives, Red Onions, Yellow Onions, Tomatoes, Beans (Bush and pole Varieties), Soybeans, Green Basil, Italian Oregano, Marjoram, Epazote, Cilantro, Thyme, Parsley, Thai Basil, Red Basil, Licorice Basil, Artichoke, Eggplants, Sugar Snap Peas, Sunburst Squash, Peter pan Squash, Yellow Crookneck Squash, Assorted Cucumbers, Assorted Peppers, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Swiss Chard, Beets, White and Yellow Corn, Sorrel, Sage, Sprouted Sunflower, Assorted Mint

Deb Ringler picked up the plants from several sources. We had many donated, thanks to Deb's connections, and we purchased the rest from United Growers in Long Beach (3698 Caspian Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90810). We also picked up some rare and unique varities from Sasha at the Wrigley Garden in Long Beach. We also had some expert help from Master Gardener, Kristi Brooks, who donated her time and wealth of knowledge to help us get off the ground!

All in all, It was a great day, and I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. We are all so excited to see what will happen next here!

FB Picture Album: CLICK HERE!